‘A sensational story’: the critics verdict on Dynasty
Since its publication in September, Dynasty has been reviewed and discussed widely across the media, and the consensus is clear – it’s a masterpiece. Here are a selection of the best reviews to date:
‘Deft and skilful . . . both a formidable effort to compile what we can know about the ancient world and a sensational story’
Nick Cohen, Observer
‘A wonderful, surging narrative. . . This is a story that should be read by anyone interested in history, politics or human nature – and it has never been better told’
Boris Johnson, Mail on Sunday
‘Masterly the story he tells strides onwards across the landscape of grief and horror without pause or stutter . . . It is down to his skill as a storyteller that there’s no difficulty in imagining that it might all happen again tomorrow’
Adam Nicholson, Sunday Times
‘First-rate ancient history and a compulsively good read’
Matthew Dennison, Daily Mail
‘This is a thrilling book by one of the country’s best popular historians’
Tim Stanley, History Today